Edi: The Street SweeperHush PetersenApril 4, 2013September 4, 2017 by Hush PetersenApril 4, 2013September 4, 20170On a sunny Wednesday morning in Kebayoran, Edi Sukandi is going through the motions. His dark wiry arms work without...
Taufan: The Strongest Kid You’ll Ever MeetHush PetersenMarch 26, 2013June 13, 2024 by Hush PetersenMarch 26, 2013June 13, 20240Taufan might be the strongest kid you’ll ever meet. He’s seven-years-old now, but he’s been fighting leukemia since he was...
Kang Edi: The CaricaturistHush PetersenMarch 12, 2013September 6, 2017 by Hush PetersenMarch 12, 2013September 6, 20170In the shadow of Pasar Baru in Central Jakarta sits the coup de grace of every departing expat—Jalan Gedung Kesenian—and...
Icha : The Three-in-One JockeyDavid MetcalfFebruary 25, 2013October 20, 2020 by David MetcalfFebruary 25, 2013October 20, 20202 Icha stands patiently, arm outstretched, hoping for a ride to Monas, Kota or another part of Jakarta with the hope...
Joko: The Construction WorkerDavid MetcalfFebruary 11, 2013August 16, 2017 by David MetcalfFebruary 11, 2013August 16, 20170I am sure you have all noticed the huge shopping malls going up all over Jakarta in recent times. Behind...
Pak Aseni: The Ojek DriverDavid MetcalfJanuary 28, 2013September 6, 2017 by David MetcalfJanuary 28, 2013September 6, 20170Aseni was a Metro Mini driver for twelve years before deciding to become a motorbike taxi (ojek) driver. Ten years...
Nonong and Basio: The Street DancersDavid MetcalfJanuary 14, 2013September 6, 2017 by David MetcalfJanuary 14, 2013September 6, 20170Nonong and Basio, both 47 years old, are not your typical Jakarta workers. In fact, they don’t live in Jakarta...
Tri: The Electrical TechnicianDavid MetcalfDecember 20, 2012September 6, 2017 by David MetcalfDecember 20, 2012September 6, 20171Tri is a fairly determined young man with a plan. He moved to Jakarta three years ago from Yogyakarta where...
Deskom: The Part-Time Busker BoyDavid MetcalfNovember 19, 2012September 6, 2017 by David MetcalfNovember 19, 2012September 6, 20170I came across Deskom and his best mate, Aris one hot morning on Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, as they were...
Yuningsih : The Bakso LadyDavid MetcalfOctober 23, 2012September 6, 2017 by David MetcalfOctober 23, 2012September 6, 20170I met Yuningsih in the middle of Ramadan. Business had slowed down considerably for Ungingsih, due to the fasting month...
Abdul: The Guitar ManDavid MetcalfOctober 9, 2012September 6, 2017 by David MetcalfOctober 9, 2012September 6, 20171I met Abdul on a street near Block M, while he was taking a break from singing. The self taught...
Yasirly : The Sewing Machine ManDavid MetcalfSeptember 25, 2012September 6, 2017 by David MetcalfSeptember 25, 2012September 6, 20171Yasirly works away on his sewing machine as the trains go thundering past his little workshop in Kebaron Baru, oblivious...
Saiful : The Bird SellerDavid MetcalfSeptember 10, 2012September 6, 2017 by David MetcalfSeptember 10, 2012September 6, 20170 At 40 years of age Saiful knows a lot about the value of birds. He has been selling a...
Dian: The Plastic Bottle CollectorDavid MetcalfAugust 14, 2012September 6, 2017 by David MetcalfAugust 14, 2012September 6, 20170Dian’s story is one of survival. I visited her one morning in her temporary dwelling in Kampung Bandan near Kota,...
Rosidin : The Mobile Broom ShopDavid MetcalfJuly 31, 2012September 6, 2017 by David MetcalfJuly 31, 2012September 6, 20170Rosidin is a very happy man. He has a cheerful nature and takes great delight in walking the streets of...
Salyem: The Jamu LadyDavid MetcalfJuly 16, 2012September 6, 2017 by David MetcalfJuly 16, 2012September 6, 20170Salyem is 39 yrs old and has been selling her herbal-based medicines for eight years. Her Aunty educated her in...
Ibu Meut: The Fish Selling ladyDavid MetcalfJuly 4, 2012September 6, 2017 by David MetcalfJuly 4, 2012September 6, 20170Ibu Meut has a charming smile, which belies the fact she works extremely hard selling her dried fish to the...
Akasayapudin: The Shoe Repair ManDavid MetcalfJune 18, 2012September 6, 2017 by David MetcalfJune 18, 2012September 6, 20171If you happen to be at home in Kemang and you hear the gentle, lyrical call of “Solbatu” there is...
Sutejo : The Recycling ManDavid MetcalfJune 4, 2012September 6, 2017 by David MetcalfJune 4, 2012September 6, 20170Name: Sutejo Age: 62 Sutejo floats around the rivers of South Jakarta on a blue foam mattress which enables him...