Hit the Streets and Get Walking, JakartaIndonesia ExpatSeptember 12, 2017November 10, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatSeptember 12, 2017November 10, 20210Few were shocked back in July when a global study found Indonesia to be the country which walks the least....
On Top of the World: Hiking Across IndonesiaIndonesia ExpatAugust 28, 2017November 10, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatAugust 28, 2017November 10, 20210Indonesia is well known as a country with many major volcanoes, with the majority of the 130 still active. Situated...
How Indonesia’s Hatred Towards LGBT Affects CommunitiesSharon HambaliJune 19, 2017June 19, 2017 by Sharon HambaliJune 19, 2017June 19, 20170While Indonesia officially recognizes a number of religions and perspectives, the country is largely conservative in social values. This has...
What it Really Means to Localize Your Business in IndonesiaLeighton CosseboomApril 26, 2017 by Leighton CosseboomApril 26, 20170Some founders looking to localize in Indonesia think it’s as easy as getting your PR manager to translate your website....
The Gap Between Public and Private Education in IndonesiaLeighton CosseboomFebruary 28, 2017May 24, 2021 by Leighton CosseboomFebruary 28, 2017May 24, 20210By and large, expats in Indonesia send their kids to private international schools. If your family is coming from a...
What Kind of Salary Can a Foreigner Expect in Indonesia?Leighton CosseboomFebruary 13, 2017 by Leighton CosseboomFebruary 13, 20170It’s a common question that many soon-to-be expats bound for the archipelago ask: “How much money can I expect to...
Changes in Immigration Rules: New Paradigm or Business as Usual?Nadya Joy AdorNovember 28, 2016November 29, 2016 by Nadya Joy AdorNovember 28, 2016November 29, 20160Should the government’s changes to the immigration process – particularly the use of formality agents for visas and stay permit...
Despite Protests in Bali, Benoa Bay Reclamation Project Moves Ahead LegallyMarkus YohannesMay 2, 2016 by Markus YohannesMay 2, 20160The Benoa Bay reclamation by PT Tirta Wahana Bali International has drawn fervent protests. But the project looks to be...
Indonesia’s Anti-LGBT Sentiments are Diverting Attention from the Problems at HandIndonesia ExpatMarch 21, 2016April 10, 2023 by Indonesia ExpatMarch 21, 2016April 10, 20230Indonesia’s sudden uproar of anti-LGBT sentiment could be a tactic used by the government to divert public attention away from...
Valentine’s DayKenneth YeungFebruary 11, 2013August 16, 2017 by Kenneth YeungFebruary 11, 2013August 16, 20172 Indonesia’s top Islamic authority deems Valentine’s Day haram (forbidden) on the grounds that it is an infidel celebration promoting sexual...
Tintin in IndonesiaKenneth YeungJanuary 28, 2013January 13, 2020 by Kenneth YeungJanuary 28, 2013January 13, 20207 Belgian reporter Tintin is one of the world’s most enduring comic book characters, especially in Indonesia, which was the setting...
Stars over BaliQraved TeamJanuary 28, 2013September 6, 2017 by Qraved TeamJanuary 28, 2013September 6, 20174 From time immemorial humans have been transfixed by the heavens. The oldest map of the night sky, found in Germany...
A Decade Gone and Bali’s Spirit Lives OnAntony SuttonOctober 23, 2012September 5, 2017 by Antony SuttonOctober 23, 2012September 5, 20170It was 10 years ago this month that people’s perceptions of the island of Bali changed forever. The idyllic island...
Something Wicked This Way ComesKenneth YeungOctober 23, 2012November 7, 2023 by Kenneth YeungOctober 23, 2012November 7, 202324 Belief in black magic is a psychological condition that afflicts millions of people who are susceptible to the power of...