Meet David Nesbit, an Author Depicting Tales of Indonesia’s WonderfulIndonesia ExpatDecember 2, 2021December 2, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatDecember 2, 2021December 2, 20210Author David Nesbit was drawn to return to Indonesia. Upon his settlement and new life, he met wonderful characters who...
Life Back ThenMaarja PehmeMay 31, 2016June 4, 2020 by Maarja PehmeMay 31, 2016June 4, 20200Author of Olivia & Sophie, Rosie Milne, explores what expat life was like 200 years ago. My novel Olivia &...
Art Appreciation: Meet Bruce CarpenterRemko TanisMay 31, 2016 by Remko TanisMay 31, 20160Author and co-author of more than 20 books and numerous articles on Indonesian art, culture and history, Bruce W. Carpenter...
Looking for Borneo: Meet Mark HeywardQraved TeamJune 12, 2015August 4, 2017 by Qraved TeamJune 12, 2015August 4, 20170Traveller, musician, educator and author of two books on Borneo talks about life in Indonesia, his epic journey across the...
Meet Carl HoffmanMay TienSeptember 8, 2014August 8, 2017 by May TienSeptember 8, 2014August 8, 20170This award-winning author and journalist has flown with mercenary bush pilots in the Congo, ridden reindeer in Siberia, and written...
Odyle Knight: Astrologer, Author, LecturerQraved TeamAugust 27, 2014May 1, 2021 by Qraved TeamAugust 27, 2014May 1, 20210It is appropriate that the theme of divine providence is the common thread running through all of Odyle Knight’s three...
Fitriyanti Dahlia: Specializing in BiographyDonny SyofyanAugust 11, 2014August 11, 2017 by Donny SyofyanAugust 11, 2014August 11, 20170Writing a biography is very challenging. Not only does it include issues of access and information—length and depth—but it also...
Through Darkness to Light: Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2013Remko TanisOctober 22, 2013August 16, 2017 by Remko TanisOctober 22, 2013August 16, 20172 The Ubud Readers and Writers Festival opened for the tenth year on October 11th with an all female gamelan orchestra....
Meet Judy ChapmanRemko TanisOctober 7, 2013August 16, 2017 by Remko TanisOctober 7, 2013August 16, 20170Meet Judy Chapman. The Author of ?My Singapore Lover?, a contemporary love story in which Singapore is the main character....
Paul Spencer Sochaczewski: RedheadsQraved TeamOctober 7, 2013August 16, 2017 by Qraved TeamOctober 7, 2013August 16, 20170Paul Spencer Sochaczewski was born in 1947 in Brooklyn and grew up in suburban New Jersey. His earliest memory is...
Crazy Little Heaven: An Indonesian JourneyTerry CollinsOctober 7, 2013August 16, 2017 by Terry CollinsOctober 7, 2013August 16, 20170With his fellow Tasmanian wife and their two young children, Mark Heyward arrived in East Kalimantan in 1992 to teach...
Meet Bill DaltonGabriella PanjaitanOctober 7, 2013August 16, 2017 by Gabriella PanjaitanOctober 7, 2013August 16, 20171Bill has spent much of his life travelling and writing. His saga took flight in 1971 as he embarked on...
Andrew WhitmarshCecilia ForsmanDecember 13, 2012September 6, 2017 by Cecilia ForsmanDecember 13, 2012September 6, 20170Meet Andrew Whitmarsh. The adventurous travel writer and author of the newly released walking tour guide, Jakarta: 25 Excursions in...
Meet Ian BurnetAngela JelitaMay 8, 2012September 6, 2017 by Angela JelitaMay 8, 2012September 6, 20170Ian Burnet, a former geologist and avid historian, spoke to us about his recently published book Spice Islands. Spice Islands...