Menteng Pulo: Field of HonourHans RooseboomJune 14, 2016June 14, 2016 by Hans RooseboomJune 14, 2016June 14, 20160The most astonishing experience when entering the Netherlands Field of Honour Menteng Pulo (Menteng Pulo Ereveld) is the silence. Just...
Tamara Fielding: Wayang PuppeteerQraved TeamDecember 2, 2013August 16, 2017 by Qraved TeamDecember 2, 2013August 16, 20170Tamara Fielding was born in 1934 in Cimahi, West Java, in the Dutch East Indies to a Dutch father and...
Togian Islands, Central Sulawesi: True RemotenessFrancesco RicciardiJuly 1, 2013August 16, 2017 by Francesco RicciardiJuly 1, 2013August 16, 20170If you’re looking for party and nightlife, the Togian islands are not the right destination. On the contrary, if you...
Jacob VredenbregtRolf TjalsmaMay 20, 2013August 23, 2017 by Rolf TjalsmaMay 20, 2013August 23, 20170Meet Jacob Vredenbregt. The humanitarian, educator, and art collector from the Netherlands. Somewhere hidden in Ciputat is a walled estate....
The Comfort WomanAntony SuttonJuly 16, 2012October 20, 2017 by Antony SuttonJuly 16, 2012October 20, 20170As job titles go it is difficult to think of any more crass, more cynical than ‘comfort woman’. To the...