Five detainees escaped police custody in Denpasar early on Monday. The police are currently searching for them on the island of Bali.
The detainees escaped from a detention room at the West Denpasar Police station in Bali while officers were guarding the front of the building and after they conducted a routine cell check on all 15 detainees at the facility.
The detainees escaped by breaking the ceiling of a bathroom in the detention room, West Denpasar Police chief Sr. Comr. Hadi Purnomo said on Monday, noting that the poor quality of the ceiling was the reason why the detainees could break through it using nails.
The detainees were identified as Mohammad Akbar, Mohammad Arfan, M. Jubair, M. Rifai and Wilson Kenedi. Apart from Jubair, who was previously detained for alleged money embezzlement, all of the detainees faced charges of theft and robbery.
The West Denpasar Police coordinated with authorities at ferry harbors in Gilimanuk, Padang Bai and Tanjung Benoa, as well as Ngurah Rai International Airport, to prevent the detainees from leaving the resort island.
Eight police personnel who were on duty early morning on Monday were interrogated. Hadi said they would be punished if they were found guilty of negligence.
Source: Jakarta Post
Photo courtesy of Reuters