Polish Scammer Awaiting Deportation After Three Years in PrisonIndonesia ExpatJune 20, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatJune 20, 20220A Polish man named Gawel Amadeusz Wojcik was released from Class IIB Prison Singaraja on Sunday 19th June 2022 after...
Police Arrest Latvian Related to Skimming CaseIndonesia ExpatMay 21, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatMay 21, 20220The police have arrested a Latvian citizen with the initials RM, 46, in connection with a case of stealing bank...
Credit Cards Move to PIN Only Starting TodayIndonesia ExpatJuly 1, 2020July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatJuly 1, 2020July 9, 20210Starting today, 1st July 2020, credit and debit card transactions in Indonesia will be required to use a six-digit PIN...
Romanian Held in Criminal Skimming in GianyarIndonesia ExpatJune 13, 2020July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatJune 13, 2020July 9, 20210Bali police investigators have arrested a foreign citizen from Romania and handed him over to the Denpasar District Prosecutor’s Office...
Three Bulgarians Sentenced to 7 Months for Skimming in BaliIndonesia ExpatJanuary 10, 2020 by Indonesia ExpatJanuary 10, 20200Three Bulgarians named Boycho Angelov Karadzhov, 41, Filip Aleksndrov Lyamov, 45, and Stoyan Vladimirov Stoyanow, 37, have been sentenced to...
Prabowo’s Relative Arrested for ATM SkimmingIndonesia ExpatMarch 19, 2019 by Indonesia ExpatMarch 19, 2019037-year-old Ramyadjie Priambodo has been named a suspect for ATM skimming and theft by the Jakarta Police. It is believed...