Discovering and Uplifting the Local Art Scene One Step at a TimeIndonesia ExpatAugust 5, 2020July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatAugust 5, 2020July 9, 20210Indonesian culture is, without a doubt, mesmerising. Tourists will find themselves immersed in centuries-old or contemporary artefacts, sculptures, paintings, and...
Romanian Held in Criminal Skimming in GianyarIndonesia ExpatJune 13, 2020July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatJune 13, 2020July 9, 20210Bali police investigators have arrested a foreign citizen from Romania and handed him over to the Denpasar District Prosecutor’s Office...
Europeans Arrested in Indonesia for ATM SkimmingIndonesia ExpatMarch 17, 2018November 10, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatMarch 17, 2018November 10, 20210The Jakarta Police have arrested five people, four of which are foreigners, on suspicion of stealing funds from the accounts...