Hypnotic Theft Case by Iranians in Pesisir Selatan Ended PeacefullyIndonesia ExpatSeptember 23, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatSeptember 23, 20220An Iranian man has been arrested by the Pesisir Selatan Police, West Sumatra on 13th September 2022 for using hypnosis...
6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes West Sumatra to Neighbouring CountriesIndonesia ExpatFebruary 25, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatFebruary 25, 20220An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 rocked West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra, on Friday 25th February 2022 at 8:39am...
Chinese New Year, a Path of Social CohesionDonny SyofyanFebruary 1, 2022April 11, 2022 by Donny SyofyanFebruary 1, 2022April 11, 20220It was not until last 2014 I really fathom what Chinese New Year was like until one of my Chinese-Indonesian...
Inclusivity Central to Bukittinggi’s Tourism its adjacent provincesDonny SyofyanJuly 8, 2021July 10, 2021 by Donny SyofyanJuly 8, 2021July 10, 20210The writer is a lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University. Every time I pay a visit to the...
Indonesian Fisherman and French Woman Found LoveIndonesia ExpatAugust 13, 2020July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatAugust 13, 2020July 9, 20210In 2019, the marriage of an Indonesian fisherman to a French woman went viral on social media. Now, Danil Gustian...
The Soul of Padang is on the StreetsIndonesia ExpatJuly 17, 2019November 10, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatJuly 17, 2019November 10, 20210The streets on the edge of Padang’s Chinatown are crumbling. The various states of disrepair range from shutters swinging in...
Padang Detains LGBT Couples and Performs “Exorcisms” On ThemIndonesia ExpatDecember 8, 2018December 8, 2018 by Indonesia ExpatDecember 8, 2018December 8, 20180The city of Padang has detained 18 LGBT couples as part of a campaign to ‘cure’ LGBT people through religious...
Take the Road Less Travelled: Cubadak Paradiso VillageAngela JelitaDecember 15, 2015January 12, 2016 by Angela JelitaDecember 15, 2015January 12, 20160Discovering the overland and underwater treats on a little island resort off the coast of West Sumatra. Why do we...
Hadi – The Padang Restaurant ManagerHush PetersenAugust 26, 2013August 16, 2017 by Hush PetersenAugust 26, 2013August 16, 20170Every morning at 4am, Hadi and the team from Rumah Makan Cahaya Baru 99, a hidden Padang gem in the...
The Road Less Travelled: Sumatra’ PadangTasha MayDecember 20, 2012March 17, 2023 by Tasha MayDecember 20, 2012March 17, 20230Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago and is a place of rich and diverse culture and natural beauty, much of...