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Booster Vaccine at Emporium Pluit Mall Terms and Schedule

booster vaccine at emporium mall
Booster Vaccine at Emporium Pluit Mall Terms and Schedule

The Emporium Pluit Mall shopping centre, in collaboration with the DKI Jakarta Health Office and Ciputra Hospital Citragarden City, is holding a Booster Vaccination Centre. 

The event will run from 17th January – 19th February 2022 every Monday to Saturday, except 31st January 2022 and national holidays. The booster vaccine will be available from 10am to 3pm each day.

The booster vaccine is available to the general public aged 18 years and over. The booster vaccination centre is located on the second floor of Emporium Pluit Mall in front of the Gramedia outlet. The centre is using the Pfizer booster vaccine.

People who want to take a booster vaccine at Emporium Pluit Mall must register online via the following link:

The registration link will be updated every day at 9 am via Instagram @emporiumpluitmall. Walk-ins are not accepted.

The following are the requirements and schedule for the booster vaccine at Emporium Pluit Mall:

  1. It is available for Indonesian citizens aged 18 years and over and they must have their original e-KTP 
  2. Foreigners must have a NIK and bring their SKTT, or certificate of residence 
  3. Recipients must have received Sinovac for their first and second dose and must show the third dose vaccination ticket (e-ticket) from the PeduliLindungi application, found on the Vaccine History and Tickets page
  4. The last vaccine must have been at least six months ago
  5. The booster vaccine is not available to pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers

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