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New ASEAN Secretariat Building to be Officiated by President Jokowi

ASEAN Secretariat Building

The opening of the new Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat building will be officiated by President Joko Widodo tomorrow, 8th August 2019.

The occasion also marks the 52nd anniversary of ASEAN or ASEAN day, a commemoration of the signing of the Bangkok declaration on 8th August 1967. The announcement was made by the Foreign Ministry’s acting spokesman Teuku Faizasyah.

The new building is located on Jalan Trunojoyo, next to the current secretariat building. It will accommodate more people and promote better cooperation among ASEAN member states. Representatives of all ASEAN member states have also been invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Source: The Jakarta Post
Image: Kompas

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