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Passenger Movement at Ngurah Rai Increases

As of 5th July, the Province of Bali has been under orders according to a circular letter from the local Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling of COVID-19, number 305/GUGASCOVID-19/VI/2020, regulating passengers traveling to and from Bali.

Here are up to date travel requirements for entering Bali: Bali Open to Local Tourists on 31 July

The letter requires that every one provide a certificate of a negative PCR swab test or a non-reactive rapid test. As a result of this release from the local Bali Provincial COVID-19 Task Force, there has been an increase in domestic passengers traveling to and from Bali.

According to the Communication and Legal Manager of PT Angkasa Pura I, Andanina Dyah Pertama Megasari, on Friday 17th July, “As of 9th July, the departing passengers to and from Bali has reached 2,000-2,500 passengers daily.”

For the moment, international routes to Bali are not in operation. Movement is limited to Indonesian citizens and returning foreigners from other parts of Indonesia. Domestic routes are currently dominated mostly by journeys to Jakarta, Surabaya, and Makassar.

“The arrival of passengers from Jakarta has risen since the issuance of the Governor of Bali No. 305, requiring negative results from a PCR swab test or a non-reactive rapid test,” said Andanina.

During the implementation of the “new normal”, the airport in Bali has also implemented a policy to increase terminal capacity. At the beginning of the process, it was only functioning at 35% of total capacity, which has now been increased to 50% terminal capacity.

This information was published on under the title “Bring Rapid Test Results to Enter Bali, Passenger Movement at Ngurah Rai Airport Reaches 2,000”. Currently, the second busiest airport in Indonesia is able to serve 8 regular departure flights and 6 regular arrival flights on domestic routes every hour. As well as this, there are 3 regular arrivals and departure flights on international routes.

From 5-15th July 2020, there were a total of 392 aircraft movements and 22,354 passengers served. On average, there were 35 aircraft and 2,032 passengers each day.

This daily average figure is much higher than the daily average figure at the time of the enactment of commercial flight restrictions on domestic routes through Permenhub NO.PM 25 of 2020, which was valid from 23rd April to 7th June 2020.

Sources: TribunBali and Kompas

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