Indonesian Food – the Spice IslandsRicker WinsorApril 12, 2023 by Ricker WinsorApril 12, 20230Fact: No country in the world has the variety of food that Indonesia has. There are 800 languages spread over...
Explore Nagekeo, East Nusa Tenggara’s Residents’ Spice GardensIndonesia ExpatSeptember 25, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatSeptember 25, 20220Pajoreja Village in Ululoga Village, Mauponggo District, is known as a spice centre in the southern part of Nagekeo Regency,...
Jelajah Rempah Nusantara at The Dharmawangsa JakartaIndonesia ExpatAugust 10, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatAugust 10, 20220In celebration of Indonesian Independence Day, The Dharmawangsa Jakarta in partnership with Javara Indonesia presents Jelajah Rempah Nusantara, a three-day...
With Vincent Nigita, Eating Pastries in Bali Has Never Been So ChicEric BuvelotNovember 9, 2020September 27, 2022 by Eric BuvelotNovember 9, 2020September 27, 20220Vincent Nigita is a young French pastry chef who’s intent on bringing Bali one step further towards culinary excellence. Having...
Secrets to Indonesian CookingIndonesia ExpatNovember 4, 2020November 10, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatNovember 4, 2020November 10, 20210Travelling to a new area means exploring; nature, the culture, and most importantly, the food. Indonesia is known to be...
Top Indonesian Spices & Herbs to Keep in Your PantryIndonesia ExpatDecember 29, 2019March 19, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatDecember 29, 2019March 19, 20220Top Indonesian Spices & Herbs to Keep in Your Pantry Ever wondered what the distinct spices are that get sprinkled...
Re.juve Takes Classic Indonesian Spices to the Next LevelIndonesia ExpatNovember 21, 2019November 23, 2019 by Indonesia ExpatNovember 21, 2019November 23, 20190Spices and herbs native to Indonesia are known to be rich, able to maintain health, increase stamina, and heal illnesses...
Confronting New Innovations In Indonesia’s Labour ForceAsyifa PutriOctober 10, 2017January 6, 2023 by Asyifa PutriOctober 10, 2017January 6, 20230Who doesn’t know the saying “Good things come to those who wait”? Often, our loved ones comfort our sadness through...
Meet the Expat: Chef Chris SalansMay TienApril 11, 2017 by May TienApril 11, 20170What happens when a classically trained chef turns to the island of Bali for inspiration? A new type of cuisine...
The Big Apple and the Spice IslandsMartin JenkinsAugust 7, 2015August 4, 2017 by Martin JenkinsAugust 7, 2015August 4, 20170For whatever reason, New York picked up the appellation ‘Big Apple’ – is it even appropriate? Unbeknownst to most people,...
The Christmas Spices of IndonesiaTess JoyceDecember 17, 2013August 16, 2017 by Tess JoyceDecember 17, 2013August 16, 20170If you enjoy baking festive treats at home during the Christmas season, you may have noticed that imported foods such...
Of Spice and ProfitAntony SuttonMarch 14, 2012May 3, 2020 by Antony SuttonMarch 14, 2012May 3, 20202 Nearly half a millennium before the world, slowly getting connected by grainy black and white TV images, was entranced by...