Activities at Jakarta Flora and Fauna Exhibition 2022Indonesia ExpatSeptember 5, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatSeptember 5, 20220The Flora and Fauna Exhibition (Flona) in Jakarta is again being held from Friday 8th August to 26th September 2022...
Traditional Food Part of Someone’s Cultural IdentityDesi AnwarJune 9, 2021July 9, 2021 by Desi AnwarJune 9, 2021July 9, 20210Food has been known throughout history to be a form of self-expression and identity. It has been a means of...
How Safe is it to Eat Street Food in Jakarta?May TienApril 10, 2017 by May TienApril 10, 20170For expats living in Jakarta, eating street food is a risk many are not willing to take. However, for those...
Jalan Sultan Tirtayasa: Bandung’ Best Kept Secret for FoodMay TienSeptember 19, 2016 by May TienSeptember 19, 20160Let’s be real. When we travel to Bandung, most of us simply want to hide away in our five-star luxury...
Nuts About Cashews: Meet Aaron FishmanIndonesia ExpatMarch 22, 2016 by Indonesia ExpatMarch 22, 20160East Bali Cashews (EBC) is stirring things up in today’s business world. From the birth of the enterprise just three...