Jakarta Players to Stage Sarah Ruhl’s ‘Eurydice’Indonesia ExpatApril 12, 2016April 22, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatApril 12, 2016April 22, 20210The Jakarta Players will perform “Eurydice”, a contemporary reimagination of the Greek tragedy of Eurydice and Orpheus by playwright Sarah...
The Art of Storytelling: Meet Andrew TriggAngela JelitaOctober 3, 2015October 29, 2015 by Angela JelitaOctober 3, 2015October 29, 20150Andrew Trigg is the president of community theatre organisation, The Jakarta Players, and a University lecturer in Jakarta. Andrew first...
Theatre with a Difference: The Jakarta PlayersZomatoMay 18, 2015April 22, 2021 by ZomatoMay 18, 2015April 22, 20210Breaking the monotonous routine of movie-bingeing and mall-hopping, Jakartans have the opportunity to watch a highly captivating play for a...
Status: It’s ComplicatedAngela JelitaNovember 17, 2014September 5, 2017 by Angela JelitaNovember 17, 2014September 5, 20170Relationships are full of drama. And nobody brings drama across better than the not-for-profit community theatre group, Jakarta Players. This...
Broadway Ke Java, A Musical RevueRichard HorstmanNovember 7, 2013August 16, 2017 by Richard HorstmanNovember 7, 2013August 16, 20170Musical fans of Jakarta had all the reasons to be thrilled last weekend as Jakarta Players theatre troupe beautifully and...
Broadway Ke JavaRichard HorstmanOctober 16, 2013August 16, 2017 by Richard HorstmanOctober 16, 2013August 16, 20170Broadway may have its roots in the quintessential iconography of New York City, but the charm, excitement, and artistry of...
Jakarta Players Stages ”An Inspector Calls”Richard HorstmanJune 19, 2013August 16, 2017 by Richard HorstmanJune 19, 2013August 16, 20170The Jakarta Players, a half Expat, half Indonesian community theatre ended their season with “An Inspector Calls” in an intimate...
Note from the DirectorMichael DonovanMay 20, 2013August 23, 2017 by Michael DonovanMay 20, 2013August 23, 20170It has been an incredibly busy year for Jakarta Players. The season began with a production of Reginald Rose’s Twelve...
Sharon SobotkaAngela JelitaFebruary 27, 2012September 4, 2017 by Angela JelitaFebruary 27, 2012September 4, 20170Meet Sharon Sobotka. The extrovert who lives life to the full in Jakarta. You have a very interesting last name...