Jakarta Players to Stage Sarah Ruhl’s ‘Eurydice’Indonesia ExpatApril 12, 2016April 22, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatApril 12, 2016April 22, 20210The Jakarta Players will perform “Eurydice”, a contemporary reimagination of the Greek tragedy of Eurydice and Orpheus by playwright Sarah...
The Art of Storytelling: Meet Andrew TriggAngela JelitaOctober 3, 2015October 29, 2015 by Angela JelitaOctober 3, 2015October 29, 20150Andrew Trigg is the president of community theatre organisation, The Jakarta Players, and a University lecturer in Jakarta. Andrew first...
Senyap – The Look of SilenceSharon HambaliDecember 1, 2014June 14, 2024 by Sharon HambaliDecember 1, 2014June 14, 20240After the critically acclaimed and controversial Act of Killing, American documentary director Joshua Oppenheimer is back with The Look of...