Patriotism Program In Works For Repatriated ISIS FightersIshia ToledoJuly 25, 2017July 25, 2017 by Ishia ToledoJuly 25, 2017July 25, 20170Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu is set to launch a patriotism training program for repatriated Islamic State supporters and militants as...
Jakarta Braces for Islamic Hardline Protest Against Governor AhokIndonesia ExpatNovember 4, 2016November 4, 2016 by Indonesia ExpatNovember 4, 2016November 4, 20160Several businesses in Jakarta have encouraged their employees to stay inside during what many fear will become a violent protest...
Bombing attempt in Medan could be linked to ISISMaximilian SurjadiAugust 30, 2016August 30, 2016 by Maximilian SurjadiAugust 30, 2016August 30, 20160St. Joseph Church in Medan turned into a crime scene after a young man tried to detonate a series of...
Op-Ed: Despite Fear Mongering Media, Indonesia Responds Healthily to TerrorismLeighton CosseboomJanuary 25, 2016February 5, 2016 by Leighton CosseboomJanuary 25, 2016February 5, 20161During violent attacks on 14 January in Jakarta, the media grossly misreported the facts. It was sloppy and irresponsible, as...
Indonesia Urged to Be More Vigilant Following ISIS AttacksSania RasyidNovember 30, 2015February 5, 2016 by Sania RasyidNovember 30, 2015February 5, 20160Following ISIS terror attacks in Paris, Indonesian officials have been urged to step up the nation’s counter-terrorism measures, as the...