Bali Bombing Mastermind Sentenced to 15 Years PrisonIndonesia ExpatJanuary 20, 2022January 20, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatJanuary 20, 2022January 20, 20220The mastermind behind the Bali Bombing – also known as Arif Sunarso, Zulkarnaen, Daud, and Abdullah Abdurrohman – has been...
Police Thwarts Militant Group’ Bombing Attack on JakartaNadya Joy AdorDecember 19, 2016 by Nadya Joy AdorDecember 19, 20160Jakarta Police arrested four suspected Islamic militants and safely detonated a bomb on the outskirts of Jakarta last week, December...
Indonesia Urged to Be More Vigilant Following ISIS AttacksSania RasyidNovember 30, 2015February 5, 2016 by Sania RasyidNovember 30, 2015February 5, 20160Following ISIS terror attacks in Paris, Indonesian officials have been urged to step up the nation’s counter-terrorism measures, as the...