First Taco Bell Opens in Senopati on 18th DecemberIndonesia ExpatDecember 18, 2020July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatDecember 18, 2020July 9, 20210The sole franchise rights holder for the KFC brand, PT Fast Food Indonesia Tbk., will soon open the first Taco...
McD Sarinah Permanently Closes on 10 MayIndonesia ExpatMay 8, 2020 by Indonesia ExpatMay 8, 20200McDonald’s restaurant in Sarinah Thamrin, Central Jakarta, is reported to be permanently closing on 10th May 2020. The closure is...
Why it’s Better to Buy a Franchise Instead of Starting Your Own BusinessIndonesia ExpatOctober 5, 2019October 7, 2019 by Indonesia ExpatOctober 5, 2019October 7, 20190While setting up your own business may sound like a good idea, not everyone has the expertise to build a...