What You Need to Know About DepressionIndonesia ExpatNovember 11, 2024 by Indonesia ExpatNovember 11, 20240Depression is a real illness with real symptoms. It is not a sign of weakness or something you can “snap out of” by...
Murder or Suicide? Conflicting Claims Over Stabbed Briton’s Death in BaliKenneth YeungJanuary 17, 2022January 18, 2022 by Kenneth YeungJanuary 17, 2022January 18, 20220Police in Bali are claiming an Englishman found stabbed to death at his house may have committed suicide because of...
78 Foreigners Deported So Far in 2021Indonesia ExpatJune 18, 2021July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatJune 18, 2021July 9, 20210Foreigners Deported from Bali The Bali Law and Human Rights Ministry Regional Office has deported 78 foreigners from Bali so...
7 Ways Spirituality Can Answer Anxiety during This PandemicIndonesia ExpatMay 17, 2020November 10, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatMay 17, 2020November 10, 20210Have you been thinking unnecessarily about the coronavirus pandemic these days? Have you been worrying about yourself being diagnosed with the virus?...
One Wave is All it Takes!KarenJune 18, 2014August 11, 2017 by KarenJune 18, 2014August 11, 20170Onewave is a non-profit surf community, founded by two young Australians in February 2013, to give people hope in order...