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Bali Government to Create Dos and Don’ts Card

Dos and don'ts card for Bali
Bali Government to Create Dos and Don?ts Card. Image Source:

The Head of the Regional Office of the Bali Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Anggiat Napitupulu, has said that foreign nationals who land in Bali will be given a “Dos and Don’ts” card.

The card will contain rules so that foreigners travelling to Bali know what can and cannot be done.

“The card will be created and handed over at Immigration, so that the Immigration can tuck the card into the foreigner’s passport when they land at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport,” Napitupulu told reporters at his office on Monday, 15th May 2023.

He explained that the Regional Office of the Bali Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the Bali Provincial Government, and the Tourism Office had discussed the dos and don’ts cards several times.

“We have had several meetings. The tourism office is formulating the narrative. So, it will be either in the form of a pocket-sized sheet or a card. The card contains what is allowed and what is not allowed to be done in Bali,” explained Napitupulu.

Napitupulu added that it’s still in the process of finalisation. He has also gathered stakeholders to discuss related things.

Meanwhile, another effort made by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to remind foreigners about the regulations that apply in Bali is installing dozens of large billboards at a number of points in Bali. The billboards are being made in three languages, namely English, Russian, and Hindi.

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