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Tight PSBB Extended to 11th October

Tight PSBB Extended to 11th October

Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan announced that the large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in DKI Jakarta is extended until 11 October 2020.

“In the coordination meeting regarding the anticipation of the development of the COVID-19 case in Jabodetabek, the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment showed data that DKI Jakarta is depleting and under control, but the Bodetabek areas are still increasing, so it needs to align policy steps. Coordinating Minister Marives also approved the automatic extension of the DKI Jakarta PSBB for two more weeks,” said Anies.

As signs of lower positive cases and active cases in Jakarta are shown, Anies explained that during the first 12 days of September, the increase in active cases was 49 percent or 3,864 cases. Then in the next 12 days, the increase in the number of active cases still occurred, but it decreased to 12 percent or 1,453 cases.

Also Read Jakarta PSBB Details Updated

“We still have to work together to break the chain of transmission. The government continues to urge citizens to be at home first, only travel when necessary, and implement the 3M (wear a mask, wash your hands, and keep a safe distance or memakai masker, mencuci tangan dan menjaga jarak),” said Anies.

However, the increase in cases still needs to be suppressed. Without strict restrictions and with massive testing, the increase in daily cases in Jakarta is predicted to reach 2,000 per day by mid-October. Meanwhile, the active cases will reach 20,000 in early November.

Source: Detik News

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