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Indonesia’s new Capital City to be Announced on Friday

The final location for Indonesia’s new capital city will be announced by President Joko Widodo on Friday 16th August, in a state speech.

Head of National Development Agency (Bappenas), Bambang Brodjonegoro, also said that he did not wish to overshadow the President’s statement. “Just wait for the President’s speech tomorrow,” Bambang said.

The state speech will be delivered tomorrow in front of legislative members in the parliament building. Last month, President Jokowi promised to name the new capital city in August.

The president also stated that he did not wish to rush into a hasty decision about the new capital, as factors such as disaster mitigation, water, economics, demography, socio-politics, as well as defense and security had to be taken into account.

Source: Kompas
Image: Money smart

See: Bappenas: New Capital City to have Four Zones for Different Purposes

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