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Bappenas: New Capital City to have Four Zones for Different Purposes

State Capital
New Capital City of Indonesia to have Four Zones for Different Purposes

Head of National Development and Planning Ministry or Bappenas, Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro has said that that the government has drafted a zoning development design of the future capital city of Indonesia.

According to the draft, the region is set to have four districts.

As stated by Bambang, the first zone will be an administrative centre which will  span over 2,000 hectares of land. “We will have the State Palace, buildings for the House of Representatives (DPR), the Constitutional Court (MK), the Supreme Court (MA), the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), the ministerial and non-ministerial offices, the headquarters of the Indonesian Armed Force and National Police, a cultural park, as well as a botanical garden in Zone 1,” he elaborated.

The second zone is expected to comprise of 40,000 hectares of land, over which the government plans to construct a residential complex for civil servants (PNS), educational and health facilities, as well as universities. The second zone will also host a science and tech park, museums, and a convention centre.

About 200,000 hectares of land in the third zone will be used for a national park, an orangutan conservation area, housing clusters for non-PNS members, an airport, and a seaport.

“We will build an airport or seaport if necessary. We hope the new capital city will not be far from a functional city that has an airport and is near a port,” Bambang added.

Over 200,000 hectares of land will also be allotted for zone four, which will function as an urban area connecting the new capital to other provinces.

The capital city relocation process is expected to consume about Rp 323-466 trillion. So far, President Joko Widodo has signaled that Bukit Soeharto in East Kalimantan and Gunung Mas Regency in Central Kalimantan are the two locations with the most potential.

Source: Tempo

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