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Electric Scooter Users To Face Fines

Electric scooter users in Indonesia
Electric scooter users in Indonesia

Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police, or Polda Metro Jaya, will fine electric scooter users in the same way that other users face fines on the capital’s roads.

Violators can be subject to a penalty of up to Rp250,000.

“As for the article applied in article 282 Jo 104 paragraph 3 which reads:

“any road user who does not obey the orders given by police officers to stop under certain circumstances for the order of traffic will be subject to jail with criminal sanctions for the duration of one month and fined a maximum of Rp250,000”

said Head of Public Relations for Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police, Kombes Yusri Yunus.

Together with the Jakarta Transportation Office, several regulations have been determined.

Electric scooters are only permitted in special locations where there is cooperation between the area manager and the electric scooter operator.

“Electric scooter users can only be used in certain areas that have obtained permission from the management such as at the airport, stadia, and tourist attractions, for instance, Ancol, ” said Yusri.

Source: Detik
Image: Kompas

See: Anies Baswedan: New e-Scooter Regulations to be Issued

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