Bali Bombing Mastermind Sentenced to 15 Years PrisonIndonesia ExpatJanuary 20, 2022January 20, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatJanuary 20, 2022January 20, 20220The mastermind behind the Bali Bombing – also known as Arif Sunarso, Zulkarnaen, Daud, and Abdullah Abdurrohman – has been...
Four Children Orphaned After Surabaya and Sidoarjo BombingsIndonesia ExpatMay 15, 2018 by Indonesia ExpatMay 15, 20180At least four children belonging to two of the three families behind the string of bombings in Surabaya and Sidoarjo,...
Surabaya: 11 Dead, Dozens Injured After Suicide Bombers Attack Three ChurchesIndonesia ExpatMay 13, 2018 by Indonesia ExpatMay 13, 20180Suicide bombers suspected to be from an Islamic State-inspired group killed at least 11 people and wounded 40 in attacks...