Stretching the East Jakarta Corridor to Make Bekasi Area Business AttractiveIndonesia ExpatNovember 1, 2019 by Indonesia ExpatNovember 1, 20190Indonesia’s economic growth and upwards trends cannot be separated from the role of industry and existing businesses. Various industrial estates...
Sinar Mas Land and Candra Wijaya hold Badminton Scholarship Degree around BSD CityIndonesia ExpatOctober 17, 2019October 18, 2019 by Indonesia ExpatOctober 17, 2019October 18, 20190BSD City’s developer, Sinar Mas Land, doesn’t solely focus on infrastructure and city governance development, but also on human resources....
Sinar Mas Land and Microsoft Pioneer a Smart City Concept in IndonesiaIndonesia ExpatSeptember 20, 2019 by Indonesia ExpatSeptember 20, 20190Microsoft and Sinar Mas Land signed a MOU on 19th September 2019 to collaborate in the transformation of BSD City...