32 Alleged Sex Workers Arrested by Immigration OfficeNadya Joy AdorJanuary 16, 2017January 17, 2017 by Nadya Joy AdorJanuary 16, 2017January 17, 2017032 foreigners, allegedly sex workers, were arrested by investigators of the Immigration Office under the Law and Human Rights Ministry...
10 Things to Remember About Immigration Raids in IndonesiaIndonesia ExpatNovember 15, 2016November 16, 2016 by Indonesia ExpatNovember 15, 2016November 16, 20160Whether checking for documents, reducing the threat of terrorism or countering drug distribution, Indonesian Immigration authorities and the police regularly...
Immigration Targets Expats AgainThe Permit HouseJune 9, 2016June 14, 2016 by The Permit HouseJune 9, 2016June 14, 20161“Carry original documents with you.” At 3am on the Sunday morning of June 5, the South Jakarta Immigration Office held...