Two Indonesian Comedians named Yudo Prasetyo (Cak Yudo) and Deni Afriandi (Cak Percil), have been convicted in Hong Kong for visa violations, after being arrested by immigration officers, as reported by CNN Indonesia
Indonesia’s Consul General in Hong Kong, Tri Tharyat, has met with both comedians to ensure that their rights are protected by the Hong Kong authorities.
Cak Yudi and Cak Percil were convicted after violating the Hong Kong immigration act by accepting payment to appear in a show without proper working visas.
They entered Hong Kong on tourist visas on Friday, February 2nd, and were arrested by Hong Kong immigration officials on Sunday.
The Hong Kong authorities have also found sufficient evidence of a residence permit violation for the event organizer, as well as the misuse of tourist visas issued to the performers.
The case was heard at the Shatin Court on tuesday.
Photo Courtesy of CNN Indonesia.