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Indonesia Temporarily Bans Anyone Coming From India

coming from India
Indonesia Temporarily Bans Anyone Coming From India

Indonesia has stopped granting visas to Indian citizens due to the spike in COVID-19 cases in the country, effective from 25th April 2021.

“The government has decided to stop granting visas to foreigners who have lived or visited India within the last 14 days,” said Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartanto.

“Meanwhile, Indonesian citizens who will return to Indonesia within 14 days are still allowed to enter following tightened health protocols,” continued the minister.

However, Airlangga said that this rule is temporary and will remain under continuous review.

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin asked the public to be careful not to repeat the spike in cases that has been seen in India. Budi said India relaxed its rules too quickly, such as during religious festivals.

“This is a lesson for all of us to always be careful in observing the rate of transmission,” said Budi.

Also Read Homecoming Ban Expanded; New Rules Detailed Here

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