Alexis Hotel in North Jakarta has declared its closure through a banner on its building following the Jakarta administration’s decision to revoke its business license.
“To prevent further controversy from occurring in the future, we have decided to put an end to our business on Wednesday, March 28,” the banner read, as reported by on Wednesday.
The Jakarta administration revoked the business license of PT Grand Hotel Ancol that operates Alexis Hotel through a letter issued on March 22, following its investigation into alleged prostitution in the building located on Jl. RE Martadinata.
Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, meanwhile, said he had only learned about the closure of Alexis Hotel after seeing a picture of the banner in the press.
“The most important thing now is that [Alexis] is closed,” Anies said.
“If it’s true [that Alexis Hotel has stopped running, as stated on the banner], then it’s a good sign,” he told the press.
Anies said recently that the investigation into the entertainment establishment had followed up a report published by Tempo magazine. “In examining and investigating, we collected information from various sources and concluded there was a violation of a bylaw,” he said.
Source: The Jakarta Post
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