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Kimia Farma Begins Sales of Vaccine from 12th July

gotong royong vaccination
Kimia Farma Begins Sales of Vaccine from 12th July

Update 12-7-2021 11.25 AM PT Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk decided to postpone the individual gotong royong vaccination until further notice. Kimia Farma Corporate Secretary Change Winarno Putro said the delay was due to the high interest and questions that came in.

The gotong royong vaccination (VGR) for individuals will officially begin roll-out on Monday 12th July at eight Kimia Farma outlets in several areas in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya, and Bali.

The decision to carry out self-help vaccinations has been based on research conducted by several institutions. The research noted many requests from community groups who wanted to vaccinate individually to immediately get personal health protection.

Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Pahala N. Mansury said that this step could accelerate the formation of herd immunity so that the recovery of the national economy can run faster.

“Kimia Farma, as part of the Pharmaceutical State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) Holding, is committed to collaborating and synergising with all parties to accelerate national vaccinations, both through corporate and individual mutual cooperation,” said Pahala.

This individual VGR is in line with the Health Minister regulation No. 19 of 2021 concerning amendments to No. 10/2021 concerning the implementation of vaccination in the context of combating the COVID-19 pandemic.

The estimated cost for each person to complete the vaccination stage is around Rp879,140. The cost is broken down as the vaccine’s purchase rate, set at Rp321,660 per dose, and the service rate, which is Rp117,910 per dose. With two doses required, the price of the vaccine only is Rp643,320, whilst the service rate for two vaccinations is Rp. 253,820.

The tariff for individual vaccines is regulated by the decree of the Health Minister number HK.01.07/MENKES/4643/2021 concerning the determination of the purchase price of Sinopharm’s vaccine.

The Health Ministry has changed the rules regarding the country’s vaccination process. The VGR is now allowed to be offered to people, which means that it can be purchased at a special clinic that provides individual vaccines and also provides opportunities for foreign nationals in Indonesia to be vaccinated.

President Director of PT Kimia Farma Tbk. Verdi Budidarmo explained that now is the right time to vaccinate individuals, due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia.

In the early stages of this program, only six cities will have pharmacies offering vaccines across eight clinics. Kimia Farma intends to expand the program’s reach, including to shopping centres in major cities.

Here are the first eight Kimia Farma clinics offering services of individual VGR:

  1. Jakarta Kimia Farma Pasar Senen, with a capacity of 200 people per day
  2. Jakarta Kimia Farma Pulogadung with a capacity of 200 people per day
  3. Jakarta Kimia Farma Blok M, with a capacity of 100-200 people per day
  4. Bandung Kimia Farma Supratman (Drive-Thru) with a capacity of 200 people per day
  5. Semarang Kimia Farma Citarum with a capacity of 100 people per day
  6. Solo Kimia Farma Sukoharjo with a capacity of 500 people per day
  7. Surabaya Kimia Farma Sedati with a capacity of 200 people per day
  8. Bali Kimia Farma Batubulan with a capacity of 100 people per day

Registration for the vaccines can be done through the Kimia Farma website, by phone to 1500-255, or through the Kimia Farma app which should be available from 15th July.

Click here to learn more about the Gotong Royong Vaccination:

Busting Vaccination Confusion for Foreigners

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