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Extended Micro PPKM Regulations in DKI Jakarta

Micro PPKM regulations DKI
Extended Micro PPKM Regulations in DKI Jakarta. Photo by Rendy Novantino on Unsplash

Micro PPKM DKI Jakarta

The DKI Jakarta provincial government has introduced a policy to impose restrictions in several sectors through the Governor’s Decree number 796 of 2021 concerning the extension of restrictions on micro-based community activities (Micro PPKM). The decree was signed by the governor on 21st June 2021.

“This determines the extension of the limitation on micro-based community activities (PPKM) for 14 days, starting from 22nd June to 5th July 2021.

The rules apply throughout Jakarta, regardless of the zoning areas based on COVID-19 cases,” said DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.


Offices in Jakarta must have 75 percent of staff work from home (WFH) and 25 percent work from an office (WFO) to implement more stringent health protocols. The 75 percent WFH rule applies to private offices or workplaces, state-owned Enterprises (BUMN), municipally-owned corporations (BUMD), and government agencies.

Restaurants and Malls
  • Restaurant Activities

Applies to: food stalls, restaurants, cafes, restaurants, street vendors, or street stalls whether permanent or temporary within the target locations.

  • Restrictions:

1. Eating and/or drinking inside must be at a maximum 25 percent of capacity.
2. Dine-in only allowed until 8pm.
3. Take away or delivery can be served according to restaurant operating hours, including 24 hours operations, with stricter health protocols.

  • Shopping malls activities

Applies to: shopping malls, trade centres

  • Restrictions:

Limitation on visitors to 25 percent of capacity and operating hours until 8pm with the implementation of stricter health protocols. In addition, point 7 of the Governor’s Decree reads, “Worship activities are to be carried out at home.”

Essential Sector

In this essential sector, operations can function at 100 percent within operating hours and capacity and with stricter implementation of health protocols. This includes the energy sector, IT communications, finance, logistics, hospitality, industry, basic services, public utilities, national vital objects, people’s markets, shops, supermarkets, minimarts, supermarkets, hypermarkets, wholesalers and specialty stores, both independent and in shopping centres, and grocery stores.

Construction Activities

Operations can be at 100 percent in terms of operating hours and capacity and with stricter implementation of health protocols.


Teaching and learning activities both in schools, colleges, academies, places of education, training are carried out online.

Health Facilities

Activities at health facilities can operate at 100 percent with the implementation of stricter health protocols. Activities in public areas and other places that cause crowds will be eliminated.

Social Activities

Arts, culture, meetings, seminars and offline meetings are banned. Specifically for celebratory activities, a maximum of 25 percent of capacity is allowed with no on-site catering.


Activities on transportation modes, such as mass transit public transportation, conventional and online taxis, and rental vehicles can have a maximum of 50 percent of passenger capacity with stricter implementation of health protocols. As for online motorcycle taxis and bikes, passengers can be at 100 percent of capacity with the implementation of stricter health protocols.

Also Read Police: Exercising Outdoors Not Prohibited

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