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Bappenas Auctions New Capital City Master Plan for Rp85 billion

The government will continue the process of relocating the Indonesia’s capital, through the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), despite the current coronavirus pandemic.

The process is continuing in the form of a draft plan being created for the new capital city. Towards the end of March 2020, Bappenas put out to tender the contract to draft a master plan for the development of new capital. However, President Joko Widodo wanted the government to focus on handling the coronavirus pandemic in Indonesia.

The tendering process was announced on the official website of the Government Goods and Services Procurement Policy (LKPP), with the title referring to a package for drafting the master plan and development strategy of the capital city of the state (MP IKN).

The package, code 6740119,  was created by Bappenas on 24 March 2020 with a direct designation method. The tendering process is aimed at consulting services companies, offering a Rp85billion package and an approximate price of Rp69.99 billion (HPS) package.

The budget for the preparation of the masterplan will come from the state budget (APBN). Bappenas have set the bidding period for companies to offer their proposal as 13th April to 30th April 2020. After that, the process will move on to an evaluation of the offers from 30th April to 6th May 2020.

On 7-8th May 2020, Bappenas will conduct a technical classification and begin negotiations. Next, the contract should be signed around 11-14th May 2020.

The VAT Minister and Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa, and the expert staff of Bappenas, along with the head of the capital Transfer review team, Imron Bulkin, were asked to comment on the new contract put out to tender, however, no response has been given.

The Regional Development Deputy of Bappenas, Rudy Soeprihadi Prawiradinata, has said that the development of the new capital is still running despite the pandemic, including the preparation of the master plan, though the process has diverged from the original schedule.

He said that the delay would make the government’s preparations mature despite the delay in the field. The preparation of the master plan was initially targeted to be completed by June-July 2020, but now the estimated to complete by the end of the year.

“All national priorities must keep running, including the IKN. We will sharpen the completion of the master plan and urban design,” he said in the official description, quoted on Monday 4th May.

Source: CNN Indonesia

Image:  Kompas

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