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Wishnutama: Tourism Industry must Apply Health Protocol in the New Normal Era

Tourism in Indonesia

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Wishnutama Kusubandio invites the tourism industry to apply health protocols to welcome a new normal life or the new normal to the tourism sector post-pandemic.

He explained, currently the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is coordinating with the institutions and related stakeholders to prepare the protocols that can later be applied to the tourism industry post-pandemic.

“Health protocols until security will be prioritised. We continue to work hard to formulate strategic measures in preparing health protocols in order to accelerate the recovery of the tourism sector,” said Wishnutama.

Previously, Wishnutama spoke in the International Tourism Webinar with the theme  “Changes of Tourism Paradigm In the Era of New Normal ” held by the Indonesian Tourism Forum (ITF) on  Friday, 15 May 2020.

He claimed to be optimistic that the Indonesian tourism sector can recover rapidly from previous predictions. Some studies show that the tourism sector takes about five years to return to the normal state after the COVID-19 pandemic.

He also believes Indonesia can do better as long as it is accompanied by the harmonisation of stakeholders.

Momentum closure of the tourism area due to this pandemic is also recommended to be an opportunity to evaluate and rearrange tourist attractions. So that later, improved services can produce a better impression for tourists, including in implementing sustainable tourism.

 “We must normalise our tourism sector faster. We must fully realise that tourism is the backbone of the economy,” said Wishnutama.

Wishnutama also explained the post-coronavirus pandemic will occur as a new trend in the form of human behaviour change.

“This means that the digital era is accelerating rapidly and this is not a temporary thing, This should be a new force in Indonesia and should be supported. For that, we optimistically welcome it,” he explained.


Also Read: Sustainability at Jogja Tourism Festival 2019

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