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PeduliLindungi: Trains and Planes Can be Booked Without App in October

trains and planes

The government has introduced a policy for people who cannot access the PeduliLindungi application and want to travel by plane or train, starting in October.

As stated by the Chief Digital Transformation Officer of the Health Ministry, Setiaji, the policy is intended for people who do not have smartphones or those who cannot access the PeduliLindungi application.

Through the identification number (NIK) when buying tickets, they can still identify the status of the results of a PCR and antigen test, as well as the vaccine certificate

“We have implemented it at the airport, for example, integrated it on the ticket. If you take the train, it has been evaluated at the time of ordering the ticket, so that even without using a phone, it can be identified that the person in question already has the vaccine and there is a test result (PCR or antigen),” Setiaji said in a written statement.

For places that are not integrated with the PeduliLindungi application, he continued, the public can check it independently.

They will need to enter the NIK in the PeduliLindungi application and information will automatically appear showing the relevant status as eligible or not.

“In PeduliLindungi, there is already a feature for self-checking,” explained Setiaji.

He added that, currently, the number of people accessing the application has reached almost nine million and it has been downloaded 48 million times, with approximately 55 million monthly users.

In addition to enforcing the use of NIK, the Health Ministry is also coordinating with digital platforms such as Gojek, Grab, Tokopedia, Traveloka, Tiket, Dana, Cinema XXI, Link Aja, and the Jakarta Government application (Jaki). This means that the public does not have to use the PeduliLindungi application, but can get the features in the PeduliLindungi application on these platforms.

“This will be launched in October. There is a process where we need some models to be accessible to everyone. The most used applications are Gojek, Grab, Tokopedia, and so on. It can be used to enter various features in PeduliLindungi,” said Setiaji.

Also Read New Regulations for International Arrivals from Transportation Ministry

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