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Bali Government to Develop LRT from Airport to Tourist Areas

Bali Government to Develop LRT

The Provincial Government of Bali is planning to develop public transportation in the form of light rail transit (LRT).

LRT is a mode of transportation in the form of a light-construction train.

Bali Governor Wayan Koster made this announcement during a meeting with the British Ambassador to Indonesia and Timor Leste Owen Jenkins at the Jayasabha Building, Denpasar on Thursday, 11th May 2023. Koster said the LRT construction plan is related to the implementation of clean energy policies.

We are indeed heading in that direction,” said Koster.

The LRT is planned to connect the I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport with the main tourist areas in Badung Regency. Koster confirmed that he would follow up on the results of the meeting with Jenkins regarding the plan to build the LRT in Bali.

“I responded to what he (Jenkins) said earlier regarding cooperation that will be continued. As well as cooperation in certain fields that will be followed up by a team from the Bali Provincial Government and a team from the Embassy,” added Koster.

Meanwhile, Jenkins said he was interested in discussing a sustainable transportation plan with Governor Koster. He said the UK was committed to building cooperation with the Bali Provincial Government, especially regarding electric transportation.

“The UK also wants to offer the expertise that can be offered in the clean energy sector as well as our newest energy. A plan like this is very suitable for the Bali Provincial Government and we hope it can be followed up,” said Jenkins.

Besides LRT, Koster said that the procurement of electric buses was also an option for cooperation between the two parties. However, Koster is yet to confirm when the implementation target will be and how much funding will be required.

Jenkins’ visit to the Governor’s office of Bali will be his last official visit to the Island of the Gods as his term of office as British Ambassador ends. Therefore, he said farewell and thanked his partners in Bali.

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