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Conditions for Foreigners Entering Indonesia per October 2020

immigration services

The Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights has decided to change the criteria for foreigners who are exempted from the previous ban of foreign nationals entering the country.

This has been done to support the national economic recovery during the adaptation of the new normal period.

The Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation (Permenkumham) No. 26/2020 concerning visas and immigration stay permits in the adaptation period for the new normal comes into force on the date of promulgation in Jakarta on 1st October 2020.

Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly wrote, “The regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 11 of 2020 concerning the temporary prohibition of foreigners entering the territory of the Republic of Indonesia (State Gazette of the Republic Indonesia Year 2020 Number 305), is repealed and declared not applicable.”

The immigration policy will be implemented while adhering to health protocols, and constitute an integrated and inseparable strategic policy unit in accordance with presidential regulation No. 82/2020 concerning the Committee for Handling Coronavirus Disease 2019 and the National Economic Recovery.

Article two states that foreigners who hold a valid visa and/or stay permit can enter Indonesian territory through certain immigration checkpoints after fulfilling health protocols.

Visas and/or stay permits includes service visas, diplomatic visas, visit visas, limited stay visas, official stay permits, diplomatic stay permits, limited stay permits, and permanent residency permits.

“Submissions are made electronically by attaching a health certificate containing free from COVID-19 in English issued by an institution authorised by the government in each country,” states the regulation.

Other than that, a statement letter in English stating that the foreigner is willing to enter quarantine and/or treatment at their own expense at a quarantine facility or health service facility designated by the government if a PCR test comes back positive, or there are clinical symptoms of COVID-19 in accordance with health protocols and statutory provisions are required.

Another statement letter saying the visitor is willing to carry out health monitoring during a quarantine or isolation period independently in accordance with health protocols and provisions of laws and regulations is also required. Further, proof of ownership of health insurance or travel insurance which includes health financing and/or a statement letter of willingness to pay independently if affected by COVID-19 while in Indonesia is also required.

This visa or stay permit is in the form of a visit visa for a one-time trip that is granted to carry out emergency and urgent work; to conduct business talks; make purchases of goods; expertise for prospective foreign workers; medical and food assistance and support personnel, and to join transportation that is in Indonesia.

The application for a visit visa and limited stay visa must be submitted by a guarantor to the Director-General of Immigration for visa approval and issuance of a telex.

Also Read Procedures for Passengers Abroad Entering Indonesia

A limited stay visa (Vitas) is given to expert workers; crew for ships, floating equipment, or installations operating in the territorial waters of the archipelago, the territorial sea, or the continental shelf, as well as the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone; for the supervision of the quality of goods or production; conducting inspections or audits at company branches in Indonesia; serving after-sales, installing and repairing machines; doing non-permanent work in the context of construction; and prospective foreign workers who will work in the framework of testing skills. Meanwhile, those who won’t be working can get a visa for foreign investment, family reunification, or retirement.

For limited stay permits (ITAS) and permanent stay permits (ITAP), it also includes those who can enter Indonesia, namely the crews of transportation equipment who come by using their transportation means; foreigners who hold the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (KPP APEC) Businessman Travel Card; and traditional border crossers.

The person in charge of transportation equipment coming from outside of Indonesia is obliged to ensure that passengers already have a negative COVID-19 PCR result that is still valid.

Those who have obtained a forced stay permit and are in Indonesian territory can be granted an extension based on a previous limited stay permit or permanent stay permit. A limited stay permit that has been extended can be converted into a permanent stay permit.

Meanwhile, those who hold a limited stay permit, permanent stay permit, or re-entry permit for an ITAP, which is expired and is currently outside Indonesia, must apply for visa approval to be able to enter Indonesia.

Furthermore, the granting of free visas for visiting or BVK, known as a visa exemption, and visas on arrival or VKSK are temporarily suspended until the COVID-19 pandemic is declared to have ended, except for transportation crews who come using their transportation means.

President Director of PT Angkasa Pura (AP) II (Persero) Muhammad Awaluddin said that currently all airports are managed by referring to a number of regulations, including this latest regulation. He explained that foreigners can therefore enter Indonesia through certain immigration checkpoints after fulfilling health protocols.

However, Soekarno-Hatta Airport has not yet provided a visit visa service upon arrival.

“We have coordinated with the Immigration Office and the Health Port Office (KKP Kemenkes) to ensure the smooth implementation of Permenkumham No. 26/2020. Every foreigner must meet the requirements for a visa or stay permit and also have a medical examination related to Covid-19,” Awaluddin explained.

The implementation of Permenkumham No. 26/2020 is one of the bases for implementing the Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL) in the safe travel corridor program between Indonesia and Singapore. One of the doors in the RGL scheme is Soekarno-Hatta Airport.

Source: Bisnis and Republika

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