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Taxpayer Identification Number Replaced by NIK


The Director-General of Population and Civil Registration of the Home Affairs Ministry, Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, has said that, in the future, the Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) will be removed and integrated and replaced with the Population Identification Number (NIK).

“In the future, the optimisation of the NIK will be more intensive where the Directorate General of Taxes has agreed with the Home Affairs Ministry that later, the NPWP will be removed and completely replaced with NIK,” explained Zudan.

In addition, continued Zudan, optimising the NIK as a data integration base will have an effect on other sectors. These range from telecommunications service network providers, insurance, banking, land, health, law enforcement, and crime prevention to the development of democracy.

“DPO data has also been integrated with the General of Population and Civil Registration data because the National Police routinely uses population data access rights,” he said. “This is done through facial recognition and biometric matching to catch various perpetrators of crimes such as terrorism.”

Previously, President Joko Widodo signed presidential regulation number 83 of 2021 concerning the inclusion and utilisation of NIK and/or NPWP in public services. The regulation, signed on 9th September 2021, aims to support public services to serve every citizen and resident in fulfilling their basic rights and needs.

“It is necessary to implement a policy of including standardised and integrated identity numbers in public services,” states the presidential decree, which was uploaded on the official website of the State Secretariat on Wednesday 29th September.

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