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Stubborn Foreigners in Bali Fined for Not Wearing Masks

Stubborn Foreigners in Bali Fined for Not Wearing Masks

A number of foreigners in Bali have been fined for not wearing masks when leaving their houses.

Badung Satpol PP officers have been raiding different public areas, looking out for individuals who aren’t adhering to COVID-19 protocols.

On Friday 18th September, 35 foreigners were caught not wearing masks in public spaces. Four of the tourists were not wearing masks and the other 31 were caught not wearing masks properly, a common thing many foreigners in Bali have been caught doing.

“They have masks but do not wear them. Most of them are in Mengwi on Perarenan Beach,” said I Gusti Agung Kerta Suryanegara.

He continued to say that Satpol PP officers are continuing intense mask raids of red zones in Bali. “We are pushing forward in red zones and tourist attractions,” he said.

Source: Detiknews

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