Indonesia Expat

Viral Video: Canadian Man Brawls with Magelang Police Over Getting Quarantined

Viral Video: Canadian Man Brawls with Magelang Police Over Getting Quarantined

A video showing a foreigner man shouting at officers who requested that he self-quarantine has gone viral on social media.

The man argued with an officer and refused to be quarantined in Magelang city, Central Java.

In the video, a blonde-haired man is sitting on a terrace chair and is seen to get angry with the Head of Magelang City Resort Police, AKBP Nugroho Ari Setyawan, along with officers from the Task Force for the Accelerated Handling of COVID-19 in Magelang, who came to the Health Department housing in North Magelang.

The 53-year-old Canadian man shouted at the officers in English. AKBP Nugroho Ari Setyawan remained calm and continued to try to persuade him to be quarantined because he had come from Bogor. The Deputy Mayor of Magelang Windarti Agustina, as well as officers from immigration, also tried to persuade the Canadian.

“We received a report from members of North Magelang police that there were people who were conflicted with one of the families relating to a child,” said AKBP Nugroho Ari Setyawan. The police came to soothe the tensions resolve any issues about the child, whose father is the man in question.

The police then contacted the Magelang provincial government which handles child protection issues. “Don’t let the child be displaced or troubled by family problems. There’s a problem with the in-laws here, along with the coronavirus situation where he is identified to come from Bogor thus he should be quarantined in Budi Rahayu hospital,” said Nugroho.

He admitted that the effort to persuade the man to be subjected to quarantine and undergo a rapid test was quite troublesome. The negotiations took place at around 10am until 3pm.

Deputy Mayor of Magelang Windarti Agustina added that the atmosphere was quite heated. The Canadian man was angry and didn’t want to be separated from his son. According to reports, the man wanted to take the child from his father-in-law’s house and there was a disagreement.

Windarti then explained to the Canadian man that his actions were unsettling and putting his son at risk. Furthermore, he was encouraged to communicate with his ex-wife who is in Jakarta.

Menolak dikarantina, warga negara asing ini marah-marah.Kapolres didamping Wakil Walikota Magelang, petugas imigrasi serta Ketua RT dan RW melakukan pengamanan dan evakuasi warga negara asing asal Canada yang datang ke wilayah Kota Magelang saat mengambil anaknya dari rumah mertua dan menolak untuk dikarantina, Selasa (12/5).Berawal saat Craig Anthony Baker (53) asal Canada dalam proses perceraian dengan istri Devi Setiarini, berkunjung ke rumah mertuanya di Perum Depkes Kota Magelang untuk menemui Hans Baker anak kandung mereka yang tingga bersama mertua.Namun sampai di rumah mertua, Craig Anthony Baker tersebut marah – marah dan membentak dan menolak untuk melakukan karantina. Meski dengan nego yang alot, Kapolres Magelang Ari Setyawan terus berusaha memberikan pemahaman dan pengertian akan pentingnya isolasi dalam masa covid 19.Negosiasi dari pukul 10.00 WIB akhirnya membuahkan hasil dengan datangnya petugas laboratorium dinas kesehatan Kota Magelang ke TKP guna melakukan pengambilan darah untuk antisipasi penyebaran covid19.Hingga pukul 15.45 wib, WNA asal Canada Sdr. Craig Anthony Baker, Hans baker (anak), ibu Nanik Suprapti (mertua) di lakukan karantina untuk 14 hari ke depan di RS Budi Rahayu.

Posted by Dede PoEnya AldoMoroo on Tuesday, 12 May 2020

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