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Ijen National Park Set to Re-open on 7 November

Ijen Crater

The wildfire around Ijen National Park, Taman Wisata Alam Kawah Ijen, which has been blazing since 20th October 2019 has now been subdued.

The fires that had hit trees scrub around the entrance of the tourist attraction, that sits on the border between Bondowoso and Banyuwangi, had left hikers wanting to witness the blue fires of the volcano disappointed as the park was closed. However, the Head Office of Area II Jember has issued a notice on 5th November proposing the park re-opens, with the announcement coming two weeks after the fire first ignited.

According to the letter that has been issued, Ijen National Park will be open for tour visits and hiking from Thursday 7th November 2019 based on the following provisions:

1. Visitors aren’t allowed within 1km of the crater.

2. Great Hall of Natural Resource Convention of East Java (BBKSDA Jawa Timur) officers are always to be on standby, and to communicate regularly with relevant parties to cope with the possibility of a negative situation arising.

3. Visitors must cooperate to prevent fires, disaster, and any other accidents.

4. Anticipating the impact of disaster and/or accidents, visitors must take circumstances into account with regards their insurance.

Ijen Crater is the biggest crater-lake in Java. Containing sulfur, it’s 200 metres deep and contains about 36 million cubic metres of steaming, acidic water that releases sulfur clouds. Visitors can enjoy a night hike starting at 1am, lasting for at least 2 hours depending on the physical conditions, to observe the lively blue fire contrast against the pitch-black sky. By 5am, the flames gradually decrease.

Image: Kompas

See: A Jungle Stay in Gunung Leuser National Park, Aceh-North Sumatra 

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