Ahmad Riza Patria (Ariza), the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, has reported that eight percent of the total positive patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 in Jakarta are under 19 years old.
As of Sunday 9th August, there were 25,714 reported positive COVID-19 cases in the city. Approximately 8,507 patients are currently undergoing treatment in hospitals or are undertaking independent isolation.
Ariza noted that each individual is responsible for reducing cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia. He advised that the public follow health protocol – the 3Ms; wearing a mask or memakai masker, social distancing or menjaga jarak, and washing hands or using sanitizer regularly or mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun atau hand sanitiser.
“We will determine whether or not the pandemic is to be resolved sooner or later. Let’s stay home and avoid crowds” said Ariza. “Keep the 3Ms in your life. Remember your family and remember the 3Ms. Remember age and remember the 3Ms. Remember life and remember the 3Ms.
Source: Kompas