Indonesia Expat

9 Best Online Writing Courses

9 Best Online Writing Courses

Most students can’t boast of having great writing skills. In fact, each writing assignment is most likely accompanied by google queries such as “do my essay for me cheap.”

Issues in writing must be solved no matter a student’s skill level. As such, I am going to present the best online writing courses that can help you with this problem. Just imagine how you will show off your perfect writing skills in the next paper!

A Guide to Writing for University Study

The course from the University of Reading is suitable not only for those who want to upgrade their writing skills but also for those wishing to apply to a foreign university. In addition to new words and grammar rules, you will learn the rules for writing an essay and practice generating ideas for creating presentations.

Academic English: Writing

The course from the University of California on Coursera will give you the opportunity to succeed in any college course or professional field related to writing. You will learn how to conduct thorough scientific research and clearly express your ideas in an academic format. At the end of the course, all the knowledge you have gained will be utilized in writing a research paper of your choice.

Academic Writing Made Easy

This course on edX will guide you through the basics of academic writing step by step. This six-week course offers guidance for those who want to improve their writing, from structuring and organizing academic papers to avoiding common mistakes that could negatively affect your credibility. You will get acquainted with the various components that will make your academic writing stand out, including format style, paragraph structure, tone, punctuation, and paraphrasing.

Papers & Essays: Crash Course Study

On a free site called Crash Course, you can find a training video that will help you deal with papers and essays. Research paper writing is an important skill in a student’s career, and the course will help you do it as a professional. It will help you understand where to start, find the best systems, and teach you how to conduct proper research before writing.

How to Write a Personal Essay

The course is presented on the CreativeLive site. The famous essayist and memoirist Joyce Maynard will guide you through the process of writing a fresh personal essay that will get you noticed. Maynard will help you to figure out your big topic, create a clear outline, define the strong points of your story, and write an amazing essay. After taking the course, you will have not only a terrific essay but also a whole host of new skills that will make your writing better than ever.

Understanding IELTS: Writing

The four courses of the British Council’s Understanding IELTS give you a full guide to everything that you need to know when preparing for the IELTS exam. The focus of the course is the academic writing test. You will learn the format of the test and develop the best strategies for every type of task. In the first task, you will see graphs and charts, the approach to the task, and the language necessary for a successful answer. You will study the questions of the second task and learn how to make an outline, write, and edit academic essays. You will also learn about the evaluation criteria, what the examiner is looking for, and how to write for IELTS in the best possible way.

Writing in the Disciplines Professional Development Course

You can take this self-study course at any time, and it is intended for teachers of any discipline looking to improve the use of written assignments to accelerate learning. Through a set of modules and assessments, all people taking the course will

  • learn to identify and distinguish between “Writing Across the Curriculum,” “Writing to Learn,” and “Writing in the Disciplines”;
  • identify the main genres in their discipline;
  • identify the main elements of these genres;
  • develop teaching methods for reading and writing in these genres;
  • learn to include best practices of WAC, such as informal writing, scaffolding, peer review, analysis, and revision;
  • improve assessment with advice.

How to Overcome Writer’s Block

This course is for those who have ideas and want to write but are suffering from writer’s block. This course focuses on how to overcome common blocks that arise from the fear of failure or strong internal criticism, and blocks which are specific to the project you need to complete. The sooner you complete the course, the faster you will become a better writer and deal with writer’s block easily.

Make Your Voice Heard: Write a Personal and Persuasive Essay

During this class, author and essay writer Sara Eckel will teach you how to write a compelling essay. If you write on a broad topic, such as healthcare or immigration, or on a very personal topic, such as how you met your husband, this class is what you need in order to write a perfect paper.

A good writing course will help you to write better and be more confident in your writing. These courses are what you need if you are required to demonstrate serious and skillful writing. If you feel you are not good at writing, don’t be discouraged – just choose a suitable course to succeed.

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