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Visa on Arrival is Back for 23 Countries

visa on arrival
EVisa Application Requirements and Procedure

The Directorate General of Immigration of the Law and Human Rights Ministry has issued regulations for the opening of Visa on Arrival (VoA) specifically for tourists from 23 countries. 

This rule comes into effect Monday 7th March 2022, as stated in circular letter No.IMI-0525.GR.01.01 of 2022 regarding Visit Visa on Arrival specifically for tourism in order to support sustainable tourism in Bali during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“There are 23 countries that are the subject of this special VOA tourism facility. It should be underlined that the VOA specifically for tourism can only be obtained by foreign tourists if they enter Indonesian territory through the immigration checkpoint (TPI) at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali. However, foreigners holding the VoA can leave the territory of Indonesia through any immigration checkpoints, not necessarily in Bali.” said Sub-Coordinator of Public Relations of the Directorate General of Immigration, Achmad Nur Saleh, in a written statement on Sunday. 

The requirements that must be prepared by foreigners to get a special VoA for tourism at the immigration counter are as follows: 

  • Have a valid passport for a minimum of six months 
  • Have a return ticket or onwards ticket
  • Other required documents in accordance with the provisions of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force. 

The Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) for VoA specifically for tourism is enforced in accordance with the Attachment to Government Regulation No. 28 of 2019, which is Rp500,000. 

A stay permit originating from VoA specifically for tourism is a Visit Stay Permit (ITK), which is granted for a maximum period of 30 days and can be extended for a maximum of one time,” said Saleh. “The extension of the Visit Stay Permit is given for a period of 30 days and is carried out at the immigration office according to the area where the foreigner stays while in Indonesia.”

Furthermore, the circular notes that this type of VOA can be used by foreigners for tourist purposes or with government duties in international activities of a state or government nature. Those with the latter purpose must also provide a letter of invitation to attend a conference, session, or meeting published by an Indonesian Ministry, institution, or agency. An application for a new Stay Permit from a VoA for tourism cannot be done. 

Saleh appealed to both foreigners and tourism industry players to cooperate with immigration officers. The owners or managers of accommodations are obliged to provide information or data regarding foreigners staying overnight to facilitate the supervision of foreigners. 

“Foreigners who do not use VOA specifically for tourism in accordance with the intent and purpose of providing these facilities will be subject to immigration sanctions,” said Saleh. 

The 23 countries whose citizens can enter Bali using a visit visa upon arrival are as follows: 

  1. Australia 
  2. The United States of America
  3. The Netherlands 
  4. Brunei Darussalam 
  5. Philippines 
  6. The United Kingdom 
  7. Italy 
  8. Japan 
  9. Germany 
  10. Cambodia 
  11. Canada 
  12. South Korea 
  13. Laos 
  14. Malaysia 
  15. Myanmar 
  16. France 
  17. Qatar 
  18. New Zealand 
  19. Singapore 
  20. Thailand 
  21. Turkey 
  22. United Arab Emirates 
  23. Vietnam 

Meanwhile, the Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito said the quarantine-free trial would be monitored to become the basis for policy adjustments. Adisasmito said he hoped that the community can work together in implementing strict health protocols during the gradual relaxation period so that there is no spike in COVID-19 cases. 

“The quarantine-free trial in mid-March and early April and the consideration of the effort of no quarantine for the arrival of foreign tourists in Bali in the last few days did not cause a significant increase in cases. The government believes that we are able to gradually return to activities under controlled conditions,” he said in a press conference via the Presidential Secretariat’s YouTube channel, last Tuesday. 

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