The launch of Batik Air’s new Denpasar-Perth twice daily flight in June has been welcomed by the industry as the next step to improving the tourism and aviation sectors, with more foreign tourists expected to travel to Indonesia.
Batik Air previously expanded flights to Kuala Lumpur and will soon open another leg to Chennai, India.
General Director of Air Transportation Agus Santoso said the expansion of international routes by Indonesian airlines is proof that trust in the aviation industry is improving.
“Before getting permission to open a route to a certain country, the airline authorities of that country will have to conduct an audit process with the related airlines. If permission is granted, the authorities have acknowledged the safety, security and the comfort of the permitted airlines,” Santoso said, as quoted by Okezone.
He hopes the expansion will see more foreign tourists come into Indonesia, not just ease travel for local tourists heading abroad.
“Tourism is now a core business in Indonesia. With increasing foreign tourist visits to Indonesia, we will get more incoming foreign exchange which can also contribute to strengthening the national economy,” Santoso said.
Airlines must ensure safety standards are maintained and customer service continues to improve, such as minimising delays, to keep the routes open, Santoso said.
“Even though they have passed a foreign audit, they have to maintain quality. We, as the operator, will assist in making sure all Indonesian airlines will obey and execute operations according to applicable rules,” he added.
Data from the General Directorate of Air Transportation shows capacity for the year to date has reached 45.1 million international round trips, with nine passenger airlines and three freighter lines servicing flights from 13 cities.
Indonesian airlines service flights to 27 foreign destinations, averaging 323,000 passengers on average a week.
See: Flight Route Expansion Leads Airport Operator Growth Plan
Image credits: Sportourism