Homosexual Couple and Four Others Caned in AcehIndonesia ExpatJanuary 29, 2021July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatJanuary 29, 2021July 9, 20210A homosexual couple has been sentenced to public flogging in Banda Aceh, Aceh Province. During the lashing process, the two...
Man Who Pushed for Adulterers to be Flogged is Flogged for AdulteryIndonesia ExpatNovember 1, 2019 by Indonesia ExpatNovember 1, 20190An Islamic leader, Mukhlis, who was involved in drafting strict religious laws ordering adulterers to be flogged, has himself been...
More than 530 Sharia Offenders Publicly Flogged in Aceh since 2015Sania RasyidOctober 25, 2017October 25, 2017 by Sania RasyidOctober 25, 2017October 25, 20170Since Aceh enacted a new Islamic criminal code in October 2015, more than 530 people have been publicly flogged, including...