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COVID-19 Vaccine Priorities Confirmed, Production Underway

COVID-19 Vaccine Priorities Confirmed, Production Underway

Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto ha said two groups of people, medical personnel and employees aged 18-59 years, will be prioritised for getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

“Priority for vaccines will be given to the frontline, namely all medical personnel and all people who work in medical facilities,” said Terawan.

“Next will be given to people in the high risk category, namely employees aged 18-59 years,” he continued.

At this point, 320 million doses of the vaccine will be needed in Indonesia. With a double dose of the vaccine required, a total of 352 million vaccinations will take place for those in the priority categories.

“Vaccines are being provided jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BOPM), and the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB),” added Terawan.

Furthermore, the Deputy Minister of BUMN, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, said that the current vaccine storage capacity owned by BUMN has reached 123 million vaccines.

Cooperation is being carried out between BUMN and Bio Farma and Kimia Farma as drug producers, in procuring a Cold Chain Equipment Inventory with the ability to store up to contain 300 million vaccines. Cold chain procurement is being prepared for the arrival of vaccines from various countries that have assisted Indonesia to source stock.

Meanwhile, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi has revealed that currently there have been various discussions with several countries regarding the procurement of the COVID-19 vaccine. Several countries, including China, the United Arab Emirates and the UK, have committed to providing vaccines for Indonesia.

“We have also arranged a time for an international meeting to be able to review further clinical trials and vaccine production which will be sent to Indonesia,” said Retno.

Head of BPOM Penny Kusumastuti Lukito said the institution’s technical team will carry out field visits to see vaccine production laboratories and clinical trials that are being carried out. During the visits, the vaccine delivery system will be discussed as well as the halal certification of the vaccine.

Source: Kompas

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