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Conditions for Omicron Patients Home Self-Isolation

omicron patients

Omicron-positive patients do not have to be hospitalized but can self-isolate according to certain criteria following an announcement from the Health Ministry.

Omicron confirmed patients are currently able to self-isolate at home,” said Head of the Health Ministry’s Communication and Public Service Bureau Widyawati in a written statement on Thursday 20th January 2022.

However, not all Omicron confirmed patients can perform home self-isolation because there are a number of conditions that must be considered,” she continued.

These provisions are stated in the circular letter of the Health Minister number HK.02.01/MENKES/18/2022 concerning the prevention and control of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 cases which was stipulated on 17th January 2022.

In the new circular, it is confirmed that COVID-19 positive patients without symptoms or with mild symptoms can self-isolate if they meet clinical and home requirements.

The clinical requirements for the patient are as follows:

  • The patient must be under 45 years old 
  • No comorbidities 
  • Can access telemedicine or other health services
  • Commits to remaining isolated during the quarantine period

Requirements for housing and supporting equipment:

  • Patients should be able to stay in a separate room, preferably on a separate floor 
  • The bathroom they use is separate from the rest of the household 
  • Can access pulse oximeter

Widyawati added that if the patient did not meet the clinical and home requirements, they would have in a centralized isolation facility.

During isolation, patients must be under the supervision of the local health centre or task force,” she said.

Centralized isolation is carried out in public facilities prepared by the central government, local government, or the private sector in coordination with the puskesmas and the health office.

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