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Free Medicine Packages for Self-Isolating Omicron Patients?

Telemedicine Telemedicine Bodetabek
Telemedicine Expanded to Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi

The Health Ministry is providing telemedicine services, or remote health consultation services, for COVID-19 patients exposed to the Omicron variant who are undergoing self-isolation.

The spokesperson for the COVID-19 Vaccination of the Health Ministry Siti Nadia Tarmizi said that through this service, patients can get teleconsultation services and free drug packages.

“The people targeted by the Omicron self-isolation telemedicine service are Omicron-positive patients with no symptoms or mild symptoms, who are at least 18 years old, have decent housing conditions for isolation, stay in the Greater Jakarta area, and are domiciled in Greater Jakarta,” said Tarmizi in a written statement via the ministry’s website on Tuesday 25th January 2022.

How can people access telemedicine services and drug packages?

COVID-19 patients with the Omicron variant can access telemedicine services through the website

Currently, the Ministry has collaborated with 17 telemedicine platforms, namely:

  • Aido Health
  • Alodokter
  • GetWell
  • Good Doctor
  • Halodoc
  • Homecare24
  • KlikDokter
  • KlinikGo
  • Lekasehat
  • LinkSehat
  • Mdoc
  • Milvik Dokter
  • ProSehat
  • SehatQ
  • Trustmedis
  • Vascular Indonesia
  • YesDok

To access this service, patients must perform a PCR test at a laboratory affiliated with the Health Ministry New All Record (NAR) system.

“If the result is positive and the laboratory providing the COVID-19 test service reports the test results data to the NAR database, the patient will receive a WhatsApp message from the Health Ministry automatically,” said Tarmizi.

However, if the patient does not receive a notification via WhatsApp message, they can check their NIK independently on the

Then, patients can have an online consultation with a doctor at one of the 17 listed telemedicine services.

The trick is to press the link in the WhatsApp message from the Health Ministry or on the link that appears when checking the independent NIK on the, then enter the voucher code so you can consult and get free medicine packages,” said Tarmizi.

Free medicine package 

Tarmizi explained that, after the consultation, the doctor will give a digital prescription according to the patient’s condition and the prescription can be redeemed via

She emphasised that only patients who were eligible for self-isolation – with asymptomatic or mild conditions – would get free medicines and vitamins.

The free drug package that patients get is in the form of package A for patients without symptoms, consisting of multivitamins C, B, E, and 10 zinc tablets.

Package B for patients with mild symptoms consists of 10 tablets of multivitamin C, B, E, and Zinc, Favipiravir 200 mg 40 capsules, or Molnupiravir 200 mg – 40 tabs and paracetamol 500 mg tablets if needed.

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