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Price Increases and Visitor Limits Coming to Borobudur

Price Increases and Visitor Limits Coming to Borobudur

Tourist numbers at Borobudur temple, Central Java, will be limited to 1,200 people per day, the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan announced.

Along with the limitations on visitor numbers, a new price has been confirmed for a visit to the temple. Foreign tourists will need to pay Rp1.4 million or roughly $100 to visit. Indonesians wishing to visit the biggest Buddhist temple in the world will need to pay Rp750,000.

“We also agreed to limit the tourist quota to 1,200 people per day, at a cost of US$100 for foreign tourists and Rp750,000 for domestic tourists. For students, we only charge them Rp5,000,” Pandjaitan posted on his personal Instagram account @luhut.pandjaitan on Saturday 5th June 2022.

According to his post, the massive price hike is an attempt to preserve the historic and cultural wealth of Indonesia.

Comparing the price to similar temple complexes in Southeast Asia, a one-day ticket for Angkor Wat in Cambodia is $37 whilst Bagan in Myanmar is $20. Independent guides based in Yogyakarta fear that the price hike could put off all but the richest tourists from visiting Borobudur.

Another plank to the changes is the requirement that all tourists will need to be accompanied by a local guide from the areas around Borobudur.

We do this to create new jobs while growing a sense of belonging in this region so that a sense of responsibility for the historical sites can continue to thrive in the future’s younger generation,” Pandjaitan said.

The government is also working with several teams to develop a new concept for Borobudur Temple as an international cultural heritage conservation laboratory, he explained.

He also reaffirmed the synergy between conservation and tourism teams through a single authority agency. This is intended to enhance the quality of Borobudur Temple as a tourist destination.

Furthermore, Pandjaitan assured that the principles of a green and circular economy have begun to be implemented in accordance with President Joko Widodo’s directives.

A trial of electric-powered shuttle buses began on Saturday 4th June 4 2022. The transportation will move in a loop between Borobudur, Malioboro Street, and Prambanan temple.

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